CloudEnv Python
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Installing CloudEnv’s Python Library is easy.
$ pip install cloudenv
Or if you are using Python 3, you might try this command:
$ pip3 install cloudenv
On Mac OS X, you might need to run this command:
$ python3 -m pip install --user cloudenv
Here is an example of a simple
file you could use to test CloudEnv with.
import os
import cloudenv
But if you run this now you would get a strange result:
$ python
That’s because we haven’t created the CloudEnv environment variable yet.
So the next step is initializing the app:
$ cloudenv init
Name of App: pythontest
==> SUCCESS: You have created the app 'pythontest' in CloudEnv. Try the following command next:
EDITOR=nano cloudenv edit
==> REMEMBER: You need to distribute the following file to all your team members and deployment servers
And now you can modify your environmental variables using cloudenv edit
$ cloudenv edit
Finally, we can get the output we expect.
$ python