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CloudEnv Universal

Using CloudEnv’s Universal sourcing is easy.

$ eval $(cloudenv source) && path/to/start/command

Here is an example of a simple hello.go file you could use to test CloudEnv with.

package main
import "fmt"
import "os"
func main() {

But if you run this now you would get nothing:

$ eval $(cloudenv source) && go run hello.go

That’s because we haven’t created the CloudEnv environment variable yet.

So the next step is initializing the app:

$ cloudenv init
Name of App: gotest
==> SUCCESS: You have created the app 'gotest' in CloudEnv. Try the following command next:
EDITOR=nano cloudenv edit
==> REMEMBER: You need to distribute the following file to all your team members and deployment servers

And now you can modify your environmental variables using cloudenv edit

$ cloudenv edit

Finally, we can get the output we expect.

$ eval $(cloudenv source) && go run hello.go